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Sunday, 27 May 2007

Ah HAH! Now THAT'S more like it!

Last week, we had a definite Downer in Series 3 with the ridiculous episode entitled '42'. But I wrote about that last time so no repeats here - this isn't BBC3 folks! So I was hoping and praying that something better would spring out from our TV screens this week to compensate and put Doctor Who back on the Greatness Track where it belongs.

Oh, and I was IN NO WAY disappointed! We had, "Human Nature", the first in a two-part Dr Who story set in England in 1913 - one year before World War One (not sure of the significance of THAT yet but still). Next week it concludes, and seven days is WAY TOO LONG if you ask me, and potentially we have the best story of the series to date. Yes, EVEN BETTER than the Dalek story, which, although good, didn't really do it for me as a true Evil-Daleks-Try-To-Conquer-The-Universe type of story. Important, yes, but not nearly as good a Dalek story as that in Series 1 with Christopher Ecclestone or the Series 2 ender with Cybermen combined.

No, even today I watched it again and it stil gives you loads to think about, to wonder about, to speculate about what it all means, who they all are, why they are there, who sent them, how The Doctor knows them etc. etc.

The first thing, and I reckon this could be the most important part next week, is Tim Latimer, the boy who took the Doctor's watch. Now, he obviously went to John Smith's study for that very reason to get that watch and not to get the book. WHY? Who is he? Then there was some kind of clip or backflash of him bumping into Martha, Martha saying Sorry and then Martha running on somewhere. Except that in this backflash clip, Martha was dressed as she was at the start of this episode. So did they meet in the events leading up to the very beginning of this Human Nature episode in the part we didn't see? It seems like they may well have done!

And another thing. When Jeremy Baines returned from his 'Alien Conversion' in the woods and had come through the window, he gave a long suspicious look at Tim Latimer, who had by then opened the Doctor's watch. AND SO DID the three family members out in the countryside.

And did you notice how those three cocked their heads to one side when looking at this boy? What does THAT remind you of? Come on, think hard, think, THINK!! COME ON, it's obvious, isn't it?? Yes, full marks!! It was, of course, exactly the same gesture as Jamie, the "Are You My Mummy?" kid, the Empty Child from the brilliant Series 1 story, "The Empty Child / The Doctor Dances" story with Christopher Ecclestone and Billie Piper. Significant? Well, perhaps not but in THIS Doctor Who these days, nothing should be dismissed.

So this boy, Tim Latimer, then. I seem to remember David Tennant in, "Girl In The Fireplace" (I think it was) saying, as The Doctor, how he HAD had a child once. Maybe THIS IS THAT CHILD who has somehow managed to time travel to that time period at the same time as The Doctor. He definitely KNEW what he was doing taking that watch because he had not even seen it before entering that room - had he?

And there's also Nurse Joan Redfern, who as we have seen is to get married to our Mr John Smith next week. And a BABY too!! EHHHHH????? She too knows more than what we can see on the surface. Perhaps SHE came with the boy together from ......

Ah, now here comes the next set of speculation which comes from the Face Of Boe and his prophecy. Did you notice that the first thing we heard once the kid had opened the watch for the second time WAS indeed the words, "You Are Not Alone"? Oh, YES!!!! Mind you, this was AFTER he had got it back to his room. And we saw him with it open for a THIRD time sitting outside in .... the garden being observed by The Family Of Blood. So clearly he has been influenced in some way by the contents of that watch. Is he now some kind of Time Lord boy?

There is speculation that this Family Of Blood is somehow connected to Mr Saxon aka The Master, and that could well prove to be true. They are "hunters", The Doctor said, and for some reason need a Time Lord. Well, that would obviously target The Doctor. I'm not sure about this, but wasn't there something about The Master that he was running out of regenerations and needed another cycle? He nearly got one in 'The Five Doctors' on the promise from Barosa, the President, but that was most likely not a genuine promise as Barosa just wanted to make sure they all did his dirty work for him.

YET another piece of speculation and gossip I've got to put your way. Remember the Carrionites from Episode 2 - the witch ladies which The Doctor supposedly caught and imprisoned in some kind of 'crystal ball' and put for safe-keeping in his Tardis' attic. Well, I am thinking of the scene now inside the alien spaceship where the three Family Members have caught the other house-maid, Jenny. The bit where Jeremy Baines takes his green-glowing crystal ball saying it is The Mother and then the 'being' gets into Jenny. IS IT my imagination, or was that a bit too Carrionite Witch to be ignored?? Certainly seemed significant to me!

I seem to have picked up on a whole lot of things from this episode which may or may not have any meaning at all. Hey, YOU out there in blogland reading this! Don't be silent! Tell me what YOU think! We've got six more days to sweat over it all, and that's a WHOLE LOT OF TIME even for a Time Lord fan!

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