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Monday, 7 May 2007

A new Doctor Who? The Sun says ....

Just read today about how The Sun predicts the end of David Tennant at the end of this series. Yes, you read correct - the end of THIS SERIES, SERIES 3.

I mean, I know that if THE SUN SAYS, then hey it must be true. But it just cannot be TRUE.

Consider if it was. The BBC would be effectively pulling the trigger in the game of Dr Who Russian Roulette with the chamber loaded. I mean, it would be two Doctors and Rose in three series only! And sorry, the BBC knows what a good thing it is onto with Dr Who and it surely would do NOTHING to jeopardise that. I mean, think what they get from merchandise on the thing.

And we've only just got used to having a settled Doctor in the role after the Ecclestone exit, and THAT was too much to take in itself. A regeneration is an emotional thing and the BBC takes a big gamble every time it does one that people won't like the new Doc and will switch off. So WHY would they do it twice in three years?? It's GOT TO be a wind-up! Oh, it HAS TO BE!! I sincerely HOPE SO for the whole future of the thing.

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